God’s Heart Concerning Sin!

“…Go through the midst of the city….and put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and cry over all the abominations that are done within it.’ – Ezekiel 9:4 (NKJV)

In Ezekiel 9, we see the judgement of God upon sinful behaviour. However, in verse 4, it seems there is a remnant of people who are faithful to God and who are spared of His judgement. God said, mark those who are grieved over sin, who are sighing and crying over the presence of sin. Here, I imagine myself and meditate. 

Let’s think about life, our lives today in such a sinful world. It is easy for us to become insensitive to sin. We see it daily, all kinds of sin: gossip, sexual immorality, injustice, false judgement, evil, etc., and according to the Scripture, we simply think nothing of it. We think, “Oh, it doesn’t concern me, so it’s not a big deal.” But I beg to differ. It should be our concern. We should love our brothers and sisters enough to care. 

This Scripture (Ezekiel) can teach us vital lessons:

  1. Evil turns God’s heart. We must stop minimising temptation and sin and have the same heart that God has toward evil. Zero tolerance.

We should strive to become men and women who grieve and groan over sin around us and in our lives. Seek help to develop the ability, like God, to resist the temptations to which we acquiesce. Allow the Lord to resonate so deep in your spirit that you will develop a revulsion for sin. 

Importantly, we should be compelled to share the Gospel, especially when we see our brothers and sisters struggling in sin. We should love them enough to call them back to rekindle their relationship with God.

  1. Ezekiel prayed for hearts that hate sin. We must pray that God would make us sensitive and responsive to sin and give us His heart, His mind, and His perspective on sin. We must be able to see it, hate it, grieve over it, and live differently. 
  1. Ezekiel prayed for those lost in sin. When you see your family members, friends, neighbours, and colleagues who are lost in sin, do you share your compassion in such a way that you will be able to share the Gospel with them? If God was going through today and marking those of us who sigh and groan over sin, do you think our lives will show the hope to guarantee such a mark of grace? 

This is the standard we need to strive towards, that our lives can be a testimony to the city like Exekiel’s, beginning with the church.


Heavenly Father, forgive us for being desensitised to sin. Thank You for blessing us with compassion. We praise You for Your grace, Your mercy, and Your love for us. Help us, oh God, to live like we’ve been saved from sin. Help us to turn from it by Your grace, in Jesus’ name. Amen. 

Read: Numbers 6:26; Psalm 116:5

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 70; Acts 3; 2 Samuel 9; 2 Samuel 10

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